Editorial: F****ISM IS DEAD « Verity Journal

Editorial: F****ISM IS DEAD

Dead, dirty, different to deliverance. Don’t be this, do be that. What a load of Trap. Be this, don’t be like that, don’t open your mouth, because let’s face it, some-one might come in it. You’re too thin, you’re too beautiful, you’re better than me, so I’ll ram you to the ground and beat you, till I’m happy with myself and my small achievement. I’m giving you the right to vote, and be paid like a man. So don’t complain or I might think you are ungrateful for everything I have given you. Don’t read too many books, unless you’re an expert, because it doesn’t look nice. I want to see you suck a lollypop and a cigarette and a pen. But don’t eat any of them. Promise. It’s the teasing I like. I get off on it, then I pounce on you and you recoil and it turns me on even more, and all your friends will you think you are cool, because i’ll tell them your the best performer of them all.


Editorial words and illustration, taken from Verity Journal  No.1 « The Riot issue »  – Paris Fashion Week 2018