EDITO: FAKE NEWS – When to trust Mainstream Media ?
We have been a little quiet here at Verity Journal during these last 18 months. The lockdowns that were imposed in the majority of Europe and the Western World, to prevent the spread of the pandemic, afforded us, a certain liberty to think and create and look back on humanity to this date. The inability to move freely led each one of us here to discover a different way of living. And it was a welcome break from the fast paced world of consumerism and the resulting pollution. We were lucky enough to have places in the French countryside to go to…where we were provided for and taken care of. Where healthy food, sunlight, fresh air, and walks in the mountain were plentiful. Where social interaction was allowed and not stripped from us. We are aware it was not like that for everyone.
Watching the grave weekly addresses on national television made by the French government, with statistics of death and infections, it was like some sort of dystopian nightmare, where the modern obsession with money and economic growth seemed to transform into an obsession with death and illness. Now however the two concepts seem to have merged. Money and death. But don’t worry, it’s not all doom and gloom…
A number of truths have come out since these lockdown times laden with fear and loss. And a number of lies have also come out. Each government has tackled the situation in their own way, changing their discourse to suit their political agendas and the specific needs of their health infrastructures. In China and Italy, people were prevented from leaving their homes by the Police. In other countries people voluntarily stayed at home and had the freedom to move around. In Canada, Austria and Australia, the public have been less fortunate with their liberties.
The Mainstream media, or MSM as they are now being labelled, have been quick to accuse those who are in opposition to any of the sanitary measures, as being Covid deniers or dangerous conspiracists, the perpetrators of FAKE NEWS. But occasionally an article will come out questioning the decisions made by those in power. Occasionally an apology has come from a Newspaper or Television station admitting they invented statistics to scare people. Occasionally a doctor, lawyer or politician has been given airtime and tried to talk of the importance of human rights and the injustices taking place.
A lot of people in the world became even more suspicious of the powers that be, when the miracle vaccine invented by several pharmaceutical companies as early as the end of 2019 and 2020 was released. Mostly because of how it was presented. Hailed as a saviour by some and a slow acting poison by others, advertised positively by Mainstream Media, it has earned pharmaceutical companies billions and billions of dollars. Not only did they invent a drug that has been forced upon millions of people, they invented a drug that had to be taken regularly in order for it « to work ». And in some countries there seems to be no limit on « doses ».
It has been stated by the World Health Organisation, that this vaccine should be a free choice, not forced upon any individual, especially those who are young and healthy. Its Robin Hood like reputation as being good for the weak and bad for the strong has made it difficult to convince people to do it naturally. Mostly though, it has been proven that it is an experimental drug which appears to have, depending on your age and your individual disposition, some strange short term secondary effects. The long term ones are clearly unknown to us. But the mainstream press have been quick to ignore the negative aspects, including the sudden tragic deaths of children, young people and adults after being injected.
The British Government bought up every single newspaper cover in 2021 to advertise the importance of vaccination, which suddenly takes away the idea of the press being a place, where freedom of thought, and impartial information can be found. Suddenly there was no « opposition », no « counter argument » just one homogenised view. Just like when World War Two was announced, and advertisements were placed to encourage young men to join the army and fight for their country before they were forced into conscription..they talk of sacrifice, as if it’s a heroic deed comparable to fighting a war. But then what about the innocent lives lost in the war in Vietnam? Young men forced to fight for no logical reason other than political gain and the plunder of natural resources. It was such a waste of human life. In many countries, mandates have taken away people’s choice. Many people have and will lose their jobs if they don’t coorporate. But not only that, these vaccination mandates have been imposed in the strangest way, and in some countries, only partially, using a system of « vaccination passports » that are applied to places of social interaction, and have been justified as an alternative to « Lockdowns ».
The price of Freedom
Vaccination passports were proposed well before the vaccines were made available. MSM mentioned that they were invented to insure a way to travel again and to reassure people that their might be some sort of economic revival possible, after the consequences of Lockdown, especially to allow air companies to continue to operate. The invention of the QR code that proved your vaccination or medical status, was adopted relatively fast in the majority of world countries. Then the laws began to arrive. Then the medical apartheid.
Thousands of people have revolted against what seems to them, to be in an incoherent and segregational response to the spread and dangers of this particular illness. It’s important to note that of the many people who have lost their lives to the virus, it was not uniquely because of the illness but also often due to already having other serious health issues, and also as a result of the incredibly poor hospital conditions and the surrounding psychological intimidation, including lack of access to efficient treatments, lack of human contact. Doctors have been overwhelmed in hospitals, doing their best with the lack of necessary resources. However, despite the difficulties, they have saved lives. And thousands of medical professionals marched in the UK against mandates for medical staff. But it’s not just in the UK. Doctors and nurses around the world have pleaded with governments to allow them as carers to have the « CHOICE » to take or not to take a drug that they deem unnecessary for their own bodies. If they, as trained frontline medics are asking to be respected, is it any wonder, that people don’t know who to trust anymore? Indeed some people have even risked breaking the law in their countries, or paying fines of thousands of euros to make fake passes , others have tried to catch the illness just to avoid having the vaccination. Never before in the history of the world have people opposed a miracle cure to an illness, or tried to catch it to avoid a mandatory vaccination.
The dark side of the force
It has been scientifically proven that « vaccine passports » allowing a certain elite to access bars and restaurants and culture, or transport, as a tool, have not saved more lives or changed the amount of people who are catching or dying of this illness. They are just methods that have been put in place to force people to do something they do not want to do. As the French President admitted in early January 2022. Not to mention the strange « over-priced » tests, long cotton buds shoved up in the nose, necessary to prove your non contagious status that have been deemed 80% ineffective and unreliable, yet they remain one of the only ways of leaving and entering some countries or being allowed out of « quarantine camps ». Some have wondered if they are not purposely designed pathogen carriers in themselves….
All of this confusion is disrupting society, creating separation and favoring hate over love! What a perfect climate to get voters and manipulate the public. As Naomi Klein shows again in again in her book « The Shock Doctrine », fear is the greatest weapon of them all. She tells us that if you want to distract the public from what’s really going on and create civil unrest, all you have to do is bombard them with frightening information, and discredit the alternatives sources, so that they panic. Then you can pass strange laws and policies, and do things behind the public’s backs.
All we need is Love ! And Light…and the Truth might help 🙂
It’s time to listen to this song again…
« But what the world needs is Love….sweet love, it’s the only thing that there’s just too little of ».
And it’s possibly the only thing that will get us out this craziness.
Recently if any public figures or artists have dared speak out against the « miracle vax », or the way in which things are being handled, they have been accused of all sorts of treason and irresponsible behaviour. Some have been socially assassinated or erased from public life People with natural immunity or antibodies, are allowed six months of freedom in some countries, four in others, if they can prove recovery through a positive test result (ironically the more reliable blood tests proving high antibodies are not accepted as an alternative to full vaccination ) but in most countries their natural wellness is not taken into consideration at all. The lack of logic in all of this is utterly astounding. In fact some people are accusing others as being responsible for the death of their loved ones, by merely existing and breathing the same air as them. Saying if people are not vaccinated or masked that they will transmit the « killer virus » more easily. As if they are the cause of this strange relatively misunderstood medical phenomena. All of this brings up extremely complex ethical questions, contributing to racism and prejudice. In Singapore, as of 2022, a non vaccinated person must pay for their own medical care.
But should an alcoholic or a drug addict pay for their own medical care? Should an asthmatic pay for their own medical care because they choose to breathe the air in the city? Where do we draw the line between the responsibility of our personal actions and simply being alive?
We have watched all of this, here, from the safety of our computer screens. Like we watch everything these days. A strange virtual world where everything is so close and yet so far away. Youtube comments, facebook insults. Everyone has an opinion. But in the mainstream media, very little has been mentioned about what is the real reason for all this and what other alternatives are possible to fixing this mess. MSM appear to have hidden the protests going on around the world, only showing things as shock bait to achieve some sort of propagandist effect.
The fact is, more and more people are marching in the streets, protesting and speaking out against the injustices and the « incoherent lies » that have been told. People are criticising the narrative that has been adopted to convince and punish citizens who are not comfortable with what is happening. More and more alternative internet media and video hosting sites are attempting to show other versions of the truth, even if they continue to be heavily censored. Organisations for the defense of the rights of children are desperately trying to protect them from being unnecessarily vaccinated. Even vaccinated adults who have done it by choice seem to be fed up with the strange context surrounding their deployment.
Thankfully certain governments are NOW dropping the restrictions on people’s civil liberties, admitting that they did not change anything. New so-called effective treatments have been invented for Covid and put on the market whilst other treatments have been bizarrely banned. Lawyers have prepared lengthy cases and we will hear more and more about it in the coming months. Yet the topic remains as controversial as ever. People are losing their livelihoods for not doing what others « deem » right. Some very clever people are even taking advantage of the public disagreements between TV show hosts and famous musicians, to take down billion dollar companies or to build up new ones.
It has been an odd circus performance to watch and partake in…families broken up, couples destroyed, deaths from the illness, deaths post vaccination, people suffering from depression, isolation. Children masked in schools, old people isolated in homes. People have tried to understand why this is happening, just like we did when the « disease » first accidently appeared close to that laboratory in Wuhan…
The truth hurts more than a needle…
What do you think is the truth and why do you think the Mainstream Media are afraid of sharing it? Why are the biggest social media websites encouraging everyone to get the jab and censoring news stories? Why are the BBC News investigating the Covid test results of a Tennis player who was denied access to play in one of the biggest tournaments in the world? Why are they not talking about Climate change, over-population, artificial intelligence, transhumanism or the real societal challenges our planet is facing? Why are they not talking about the dangers and consequences of the excessive use of mobile phone technology? Brussels was reported to have banned the use of 5G but the topic silently disappeared from the news. But what about all the other countries in the world? Is there a reason why are governments and fellow humans are not promoting other types of healing to boost our immune systems, like better diets, cleaner air, safer technology, so that we are less dependent on drugs and medical procedures ?
It would appear our democratic constitutions need saving more than ever. This polarizing « vaccine obligation » does not seem like it is simply a wonderful medical strategy inspired by the successes of past vaccines, that was invented to save and protect people or to keep the hospitals empty by reducing transmission. So did George Orwell, George Lucas or the writers of the TV show « Black Mirror » know about all of this all in advance? Were they trying to help us figure it out?
There are several theories that have been circulating online as to why all of this is happening. Are they fake news, or are they true?
- The Great Reset. The sanitary crisis was invented to allow the world economic forum to change the way money is used, to dematerialise money and give everyone a digital identity, that will eventually be connected to a system of social credits. By implementing a system of vaccine passports people are obliged to prove their « social, economic and medical status » in order to be accepted into society. Oh and you will no longer own anything. It will be the end of private ownership. The owners of the three biggest technology corporations Facebook, Google and Amazon… want us to live in a giant connected matrix called « The internet of things » , where everything we do is tracked and Artificial Intelligence will run our lives. All of this enabled by 5G.
- Humans are poisoned by 5G and are reacting to it right now. Our immune systems created this virus to protect our bodies. The Corona Virus was a term invented, it is the biggest cover up in history. The vaccine and the tests are enabling the spread of the virus. It began in all the major cities of the world where 5G towers were constructed.
- To control and curb world population because there will be a food shortage in less than ten years.
- To make the free medical systems privatised again
- To make billions off the back of innocent lives.
- To win elections and impose strict totalitarian regimes.
- The virus and the vaccines were invented in laboratories for biological warfare.
- They want us to destroy Planet Earth and colonise Mars !
- It’s the age of Aquarius…
- This had to happen to end the capitalist empire.
What do you think? Write to us….If you dare ! : )